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Vicky Keston
Dec 19, 20203 min read
Public School or Private School: the Transfer Decision
In the fall of 2019, my children transferred from a public school to a private school, and parents have increasingly asked for my advice...
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Vicky Keston
Dec 8, 20203 min read
How many schools to apply to?
How many private schools should I apply to? How many public schools should I list in the SFUSD lottery? This is among the most common...
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Vicky Keston
Oct 9, 20204 min read
SFUSD Kindergarten Lottery Revamp
SFUSD is planning to change from a citywide system with neighborhood preference to a zone system that limits parents to schools inside their
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Vicky Keston
Aug 5, 20202 min read
Back to School . . . at a Distance
As we wrap up summer, instead of backpacks and lunchboxes, we dig in for more months at home with distance learning.
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Vicky Keston
Jul 28, 20202 min read
Before the School Search
To kick off a school search, I meet with families for about an hour to discuss their wants and needs. Let's chat about topics.
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Vicky Keston
Jul 21, 20204 min read
Distance Learning in Coronavirus Times
Given the likelihood that some or all of a school year will be by distance, evaluating a school’s distance learning is an important part of
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Vicky Keston
Jul 6, 20203 min read
Need a School . . . Now?!
some parents are looking to move their children quickly, before school starts in August.
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Vicky Keston
Apr 13, 20204 min read
School Decision During a Pandemic
given the pandemic, should we put our child in public or private school? How does the pandemic and the subsequent the shelter-in-place, affe
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Vicky Keston
Mar 15, 20202 min read
SFUSD Round 2
Many of you are wondering what to do if you don’t get your first choice, or if you change your mind about which school is the best fit
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Vicky Keston
Mar 8, 20204 min read
Decision Time!
Waiting is almost at an end! Decisions are about to come out on the following schedule
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Vicky Keston
Feb 23, 20202 min read
Parenting among the critics
Choosing a school can feel like crossing a land mine. For every type of school, someone thinks it is the right choice, and someone else thin
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Vicky Keston
Jan 19, 20205 min read
New School of San Francisco Answers Your Questions
The state recently approved New School of San Francisco (NSSF)’s charter and expanded it to middle school. I interviewed co-founder Ryan
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Vicky Keston
Dec 3, 20193 min read
SFUSD Kindergarten Lottery Misperceptions
Question: Does listing a school lower affect my chances at winning it?
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Vicky Keston
Nov 13, 20196 min read
Middle School Already?
Maybe you don’t love your feeder middle school, maybe a smaller class size, or maybe an alternative math pathway. Whatever your reasons, the
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Vicky Keston
Nov 8, 20195 min read
Gifted or fast learner . . . what do I do about school???
Many of us have these anecdotes of aha moments, and the ensuing panic, What the freak should I do about school???
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Vicky Keston
Nov 1, 20193 min read
SFUSD Lottery Mechanics
SFUSD operates in a lottery system and is a bit complicated to understand. I’ll try to clarify it as simply as possible, and you also can...
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Vicky Keston
Oct 29, 20198 min read
Choosing an Elementary or Middle School
Whether your district offers school choice, you are considering private school, or you are house hunting, the fall brings a flurry of...
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Vicky Keston
Oct 22, 20193 min read
SFUSD Lottery Strategy for K-5th grade
It’s lottery time of year in San Francisco. Folks frequently ask me, how do you play the lottery? What are successful strategies? The...
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